Lack of Love for a Purple Head.


So I told you before, about one of my character flaws or “yuckies” I call them, which is being Voracious. For this purpose, let’s say specifically for love or affection. Now, previously I was talking about how, I ruin relationships, because I start needing more affection, more time, and ect. 

Well I recently read one of those little status pictures on Facebook, which I tried to find again for you, but no luck. It was talking about “If you miss me then you’d find time to let me know. If you wanted to see me than you would.” kind of thing. And, I got to thinking: “Maybe there isn’t anything wrong with me?” I mean I always make time to let the other person know that I am missing them, or thinking of them. I go out of my way to see them or let them know how special they are.

And yes, maybe I could use a piece of humble pie, but if I wasn’t me, I’d want to hang out with me all the time. I’m funny, quick witted, charming (I’d like to think) and super affectionate.  I make an effort to make the person I am with feel special and let them know how much I enjoy them…is that too much to expect the same in return? Should I lower my expectations just because I haven’t met anyone that meets them?? Is it too much to ask for constant validation in exchange for my love?

I think not.

So don’t tell me how much you missed me only when I see you. If your not going to text or call all day long, do not text me at bed time how much you thought about me. If you do miss me: tell me. If you want to spend time with me, than do it. And if all of that is too much to ask: just let me go.

A hearts desire

About cornykitten


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